
So many GREAT things have happened in the past month!

  1. We got a dog! Meet Maizie, she's a german shorthair pointer mix. She is fully trained and completely loveable! She loves to snuggle and loves to play. A few weeks ago, we went into the Boise Humane Society to look around, weren't planning on getting a dog or anything. I told Justin I wanted a baby for christmas and he said uhhhhhhh... How about a puppy instead? Haha, so a puppy it was! :) I walked into the shelter and saw her shaking, so scared, and begging me to bring her home. So, of course i broke down in tears and brought her home. Wouldn't trade a day without her!

  2.  I got to go through the temple and be endowed! It was one of the best experiences of my life. So spiritual and real. I absolutely loved it. So many people came to support me from home and from Rexburg.
  3. We were able to go home, twice! We were able to watch our good friends Lauren and Doug be sealed. That was really cool to be a part of and see before our sealing. I just love our families. They are so great to us! Thanksgiving was a blast. We had the opportunity to go to 3 feasts. Justin's parents, Aunt Becky's, and Grandma Kathy's. We got to share all that we were thankful for and appreciate all that our heavenly father has blessed us with. We are so grateful for the families that we have been given.  

Papa John and Gwendolyn

Doug and Lauren's wedding!

  1.  JUSTIN AND I WERE SEALED!!!! I am so grateful to be able to marry my husband for ETERNITY. The rest of forever. For all of time. I love every moment spent with him. He is my heart and soul and makes me so much better. He is THE best example of a man I could ever ask for. Our kids sure are going to be lucky. All of our close family and friends were able to be there and we are so thankful for their support. Such an amazing experience!

Sweet baby brother and sister



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