
Just a few things that have made January SO fantastic!

The closest thing we have to a baby. And she's our favorite! She's the sweetest little girl. We got so lucky with her! Last month she ate our blinds, ate a bag of candy, ate a bag of her treats, and last but NOT least, ate a bottle of sleeping pills, yikes! Mommy mode kicked in and we took care of her all night. Poor baby was so sick she couldn't walk :( we slept in the kitchen all night with her until she was better. Good thing she's cute, it was totally worth it. December was a rough month for her.

We threw a super rad new years party with a group of close friends, which also happened to be exactly a year from mine and Justin's first date together! So of course, we had to celebrate! On our first date we took fun pictures in a photobooth, so i wanted to recapture one of the first moments we spent in the beginning of our lives together.
Our first date!

It seems like he was born just yesterday. He's turning into such a big boy! Him and Gwenny are my favorite. Going home to hang out with them is always worth the 5 1/2 hour drive. They crack me up, we just love them!

Happy Birthday Landon!
Dad, Justin, Landon & Gwen helping put Landon's wagon together.

Justin hangin out with the babies in their fort.

Landon wanted to play dressup too!



  1. I love the pictures you took of every thing and every one. I am sure your dad was a little upset with his son in a dress but I love them. Thank you for posting them LOVE U guys.

    1. We was so happy to have you home to celebrate landons birthday and can't wait to have you home in a few months. Gwen and landon love their big sister so much


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